
STAR Math Test

Welcome to Mr. Waba's 6th Grade Math Page!

Thank you for visiting my page.  Below you will find several lessons that have been shared with your students on various topics covered in Accelerated Math.  Feel free to review these lessons with your student at any time.  Also take a look at the Accelerated Math powerpoint presentation to help you understand how to read a TOPS report. 

 Check back often for updates. Thank you.   Mr. Waba


Here are some great websites to help you with all levels of math. 

Fact Monster  A website using flashcards to help you
                     with multiplication facts.


AAA Math      A website that will have examples of 6th grade
                   math and how to solve.

Math.Com     More Examples 


Accelerated Math​   Do your Accelerated Math practices at home.
                           Don't forget to bring your
work to school so
                           we can go over it together. 

Kahn Academy​      Need help solving math problems.  Check here for some additional help.





Chris Waba

6th Grade Math

8th Grade Modules

 Bulldog Wrestling