
Welcome to Mrs. Rahn 7th Grade Reading Page!

Hi! I'm Mrs. Rahn and I'm a reading enthusiast! I graduated from USD and have a Master's degree in reading from USF. This is my third year of teaching 7th grade reading at MMS. I also teach a 8th grade reading extension class on The Diary of Anne Frank and the holocaust (another of my passions). ​

Now, a little about my reading classes. Students will be focusing on their metacognitive skills this year by applying a variety of reading strategies in order to comprehend text from various genres.  Strategies will include visualize, question, analyze, evaluate, and identify literary elements and devices such as plot and theme. Students will be picking their own books to apply their skills throughout the year. They will usually be expected to finish at least one book per month and complete a variety of projects associated with their reading. The students (and I) will keep track of their reading and learning with their Reader's Notebooks.

"So, what are you reading now?" Go ahead and ask them, seventh grade students should always have a book to read!

There will be a focus on the common core standards.  Parents and students are strongly encouraged to view the Common Core Practice Test available at:  


My email address is:  karen.rahn@k12.sd.us

I can also be reached at the Middle School by phone:  605-226-7717






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Karen Rahn

7th Grade Reading
